Saturday, December 13, 2014


This picture was taken when we only had a dusting of snow.  Speckles was the only chicken brave enough to walk outside at first.  Eventually Cous Cous joined her and reluctantly the others followed. 
After the last storm that went through we have well over a foot of snow. The chickens are not impressed and none of them are willing to go outside the run.  Speckles is thinking about it, though, and I won't be surprised if she decides to give the deep snow a try.  Her breed of chicken is known for being very good in the winter.
Winter means a little more work for us.  We have to take the ice out of the water dish and refill the water often.  The chickens don't eat as many bugs and plants so they are eating more grain.  I also have to shovel the roof of the run.  It's normal for chickens to stop laying eggs in the winter, but Cous Cous continues to lay almost every day. Sadly, none of the other chickens have started laying yet. 

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