Monday, June 2, 2014

Meet the Flock!

We picked up our chickens yesterday!  We couldn't get little babies because they have to have a heat lamp to stay warm and they would have had to stay in our little house. Mean Kitty and baby chicks just shouldn't be in the same house.  So we got some birds that are 6-8 weeks old.  They have their feathers and are ready to stay in the coop!  (Coop is what you call a chicken house.)
I have discovered that taking pictures of chicks is really hard to do.  They don't like to sit still for the camera. Here are some pictures of our new birds.

Chicky and Pip:  Chicky is 6 weeks old and was named by Cousin A.  Pip is 8 weeks old and was named by Cousin M.  Pip is the black one.

Emma is 7 weeks old and was named by Cousin Ay.

Cous cous looks just like Emma and is the same age. She was named by Cousin E.

Melia is also 7 weeks old and was named after Amelia Earhart because she flies very well.

And so they don't feel left out, here are pictures of Libby and Mean Kitty

1 comment:

  1. From emily,
    Thank you for calling her cous cous. I love you.

