Sunday, October 19, 2014

Flock Update

It's been a long time since we have updated the blog!  The beginning of the school year is always busy for us.  We have had a lot of things happen. Here is an update.  Couscous was "broody" for a couple of weeks.  When a chicken is broody it means that they want to hatch eggs, and sometimes they will sit on imaginary eggs.  That's what Couscous was doing, and I had to take her out of the egg box many times a day so she would eat and drink water.  Unfortunately chickens stop laying eggs when they are broody, so we have not had a fresh egg in a long time.
We have had some problems with predators.  Predators are creatures that hunt and eat chickens. Emma was attacked by a dog and went to heaven. The dog was visiting Auntie L. and broke the leash he was on when he saw the chickens.  Last week a hawk attacked Couscous.  I heard her making noise and saw the hawk on her, so I ran outside with a broom and scared it away.  Couscous was hurt and I had to give her first aid.  I cleaned her wounds with saline and put medicine on them.  She had to stay in a separate cage for a few days, but now she is doing well!
The new pullets are doing well and now are getting bigger than Chicky!  Chicky will probably lay eggs soon.  When she does, I will put up a picture of it.